Glamorgan Dyslexia Services

Dyslexia Screening, Assessment & Tutoring in Bridgend, Cardiff, Swansea and the Vale of Glamorgan

Seeing The Signs

You might suspect that your child has dyslexia if their reading and writing skills are not developing as you anticipated, despite the fact that he/she is articulate and has good oral language skills. You may notice that your child struggles to ‘sound out’ words when reading or to recall whole words such as ‘the’, ‘and’ or ‘was’. You may notice that your child easily forgets simple instructions and appears to day dream much of the time. All these are characteristics highly associated with dyslexia.
Take a look at our Specific Learning Difficulties checklist…

Tests & Assessments

Glamorgan Dyslexia Services employs highly qualified staff that have active registration with the professional body PATOSS (Professional Association of Teachers of Specific Learning Difficulties). All our teachers have an approved Assessment Practising Certificate, which qualifies us to complete dyslexia screening assessments, full diagnostic assessments and DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) assessments. We also provide work-based assessments and recommendations for reasonable adjustments within the workplace for adults with dyslexia, in line with current Equalities Legislation.

Dedicated Space

While most screening, diagnostic and DSA assessments are usually conducted in a small office in the Bridgend area it is possible for assessments to take place in your home. Work-based assessments must however take place at the client’s place of work.

How we can help you…

If you think that your son or daughter may have dyslexia and nobody appears to be listening to you we can help you.
If you require an up-dated assessment of your dyslexia in order to access support at University we can help you.
If you have are having difficulties with any aspect of your job because either you think you have dyslexia or you know you have dyslexia we can help you.
If you are looking for information about any aspect of dyslexia we can signpost you in the right direction.

Get in touch…